PLANTMATS /plant·mats/ noun: Customizable, easy-to-use, contained work areas for all aspects of plant care. Also known as PLATs.

PLATs are a reusable plant accessory to replace newspapers, garbage bags and the like while carrying out plant chores. The corners snap together to create a contained area that is helpful when repotting, transplanting, propagating, mixing soil, flushing leca and even bottom watering plants since they're sturdy enough to hold water. They can also be used as a stylish alternative to regular drip trays for your plant displays that help protect the surfaces on which you place your plants from pot scratches and water stains when you forget to wipe something up.

After using them, one corner can be unsnapped to use as a funnel when emptying contents into the garbage or leftover soil back into it's bag. They can then be quickly wiped down, dried and rolled up to store until next time.

Customize your Plantmats in different sizes, patterns and button colours to create a tool that is uniquely yours or for a friend. They're a must-have for any plant lover.

"I bought my first plant over four years ago. One quickly became two, then three, and so on. Plants were my safe space that ultimately helped get me through a lot over the last few years and something tells me I’m not the only one who feels this way.

I was inspired to start Plantmats out of my own frustrations with plant care. I would always catch myself laughing at how ridiculous the mess was. From tracking soil throughout my apartment to buying bottles of Drain-O for leca balls I didn’t catch before falling down the drain.

Plantmats make life easier for us to do the plant things that make us happy. They’re also unique. Something to customize and style plant setups. They’re a saucer that can be used for bottom watering. A propagation tray that isn’t a takeout container. They’re all of these things literally rolled up into one.

That’s why I know you and your plants are going to love PLATs.